Advanced, Humanized and Cell-based
Modular Platform for Epilepsy Modelling in vitro
MEMO platform is devoted to solve following challenges

Finding novel approaches to discover truly innovative anti-seizure medicatons

Accomplish CNS safety testing for seizure liability early enough during drug discovery

Advancing tools to reveal disease mechanisms of epilepsies
MEMO platform
Gas supply chamber
Medium Reservoirs
Microfluidic device
Microelec-trode array
About Us
MEMO is an advanced platform technology innovated in a project owned by Tampere University, Finland. MEMO platform bases on the strong and impactful neuroscientific and microfabrication technology backgrounds of NeuroGroup (led by Adj. Prof Susanna Narkilahti) and Micro- and Nanosystems Research group (led by Prof Pasi Kallio).
MEMO project is a Research to Business project, aiming to the commercialization of research results and is funded by Business Finland.

MEMO project team
Our team has over 15 years of experience in combining neuroscience and engineering technologies. We have excellent hands-on expertise of human pluripotent stem cells, neuronal cultures, microfluidics, microelectrode arrays and data analysis. MEMO project has a comprehensive steering group from the fields of business and engineering technologies as well as epilepsy and drug R&D research.
Susanna Narkilahti
Adj. Prof. Neuroscience Specialist, stem cells, in vitro models

Satu Jäntti
MSc, Business Champion, Cell Technology Scientist

Jouni Sirviö
PhD, Senior Expert, Neuroscience, Drug development

Hanna Mäkelä
Laboratory Specialist

Pasi Kallio
Prof. Engineering Specialist, Nano- and microfluidic systems

Lassi Sukki
MSc, Microfluidic and Microfabrication Specialist

Timo Salpavaara
PhD, Sensors and Electronics Specialist, Microfabrication

Anna Vallius

Clinical advisor
Jukka Peltola,
Prof. of Neurology,
Chief Physician