MEMO platform
MEMO platform consists of modular parts including microfluidic device, microelectrode array, gas supply chamber and neuronal cells. Uniquely, MEMO enables seizure-like activity detection and drug response analyses in functional level. Moreover, MEMO is suitable for biochemical analyses e.g., RNA collection.
The three-compartment microfluidic device enables the formation of functional circuitry of neuronal networks for mimicking brain functions
Customized microelectrode array (MEA) enables the electrical measurement of neuronal activity for detecting epileptic seizures
Medium reservoirs enable to store the mediums for maintaining the cell cultures
Gas supply chamber (+ plastic lid and silicon-based PDMS gasket) enables the microenvironment control for a long period
Human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived neurons enable to model better human responses
Seizures can be induced with chemical stimulation e.g., kainic acid (KA) or appear endogenously in patient-derived cells
Microelec-trode array
Microfluidic device
Medium Reservoirs
Gas supply chamber
PDMS gasket
Plastic lid

Microfluidic device
MEMO platform consists of microfluidic device, in which three separate compartments are connected with each other by microtunnels. The microfluidic device enables the formation of neuronal network circuitry on a chip, mimicking brain functions.
Neuronal network circuitry on a chip

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Microfluidic device consists of three cell culture compartments to culture three different neuronal network populations separately. Compartments are connected with microtunnels that allows neuronal soma isolation in distinct compartment and axonal growth from one compartment to another compartment. This enables the formation of neuronal network circuitry on a chip.
Separate medium reservoir part enables to store medium for maintaining the cell cultures. In addition, compartmentalization enables to manipulate one neuronal population at time.
Seizure-like activity can be induced with chemical stimulation, e.g., kainic acid, or it appears endogenously with patient-derived cells.
Use of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC)-derived neurons enables to model better human responses. Moreover, MEMO platform is compatible with e.g., rodent neuronal cells.

Microelectrode array
MEMO platform consists of custom made microelectrode array (MEA), on which the microfluidic device is attached. MEA enables the follow-up recordings of neuronal cultures, detection of seizure-like activity and drug response analysis.
MEA contains up to 120 electrodes that are placed under every neuronal network compartment.
MEA enables the follow-up recordings, seizure-like activity detections and drug response analyses in neuronal network and neuronal circuitry levels.
Separate gas supply chamber enables to control the microenvironment, allowing longer measurements and follow-up recordings.
MEMO platform is compatible with Multi Channel System MEA headstage.

Data Analysis
Microelectrode array recordings create large amount of electrophysiological data, which are analyzed by own smart algorithms.
MEA measurements give valuable information of
Neuronal network maturation
Seizure-like activity, spreading and suppression
Drug responses
Our smart algorithms can analyze >25 parameters, e.g.,
Single spikes, spike trends
Burst, synchronous burst
Circuitry burst