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Our publications
Pelkonen, A, Mzezewa, R, Sukki, L, Ryynänen, T, Kreutzer, J, Hyvärinen, T et al.. A modular brain-on-a-chip for modelling epileptic seizures with functionally connected human neuronal networks. Biosens Bioelectron. 2020;168 :112553. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2020.112553
Häkli, M, Jäntti, S, Joki, T, Sukki, L, Tornberg, K, Aalto-Setälä, K et al.. Human Neurons Form Axon-Mediated Functional Connections with Human Cardiomyocytes in Compartmentalized Microfluidic Chip. Int J Mol Sci. 2022;23 (6):. doi: 10.3390/ijms23063148
Mzezewa, R, Lotila, J, Kiiski, H, Vinogradov, A, Kapucu, FE, Peltola, J et al.. A kainic acid-induced seizure model in human pluripotent stem cell-derived cortical neurons for studying the role of IL-6 in the functional activity. Stem Cell Res. 2022;60 :102665. doi: 10.1016/j.scr.2022.102665
Kapucu, FE, Vinogradov, A, Hyvärinen, T, Ylä-Outinen, L, Narkilahti, S. Comparative microelectrode array data of the functional development of hPSC-derived and rat neuronal networks. Sci Data. 2022;9(1):120. doi: 10.1038/s41597-022-01242-4
Ristola, M, Fedele, C, Hagman, S, Sukki, L, Kapucu, FE, Mzezewa, R et al.. Directional Growth of Human Neuronal Axons in a Microfluidic Device with Nanotopography on Azobenzene-Based Material. 2021. Adv. Mater. Interf. 2021;8:2100048.
doi: 10.1002/admi.202100048
Ryynänen, T, Mzezewa, R, Meriläinen, E, Hyvärinen, T, Lekkala, J, Narkilahti, S et al.. Transparent Microelectrode Arrays Fabricated by Ion Beam Assisted Deposition for Neuronal Cell in Vitro Recordings. Micromachines (Basel). 2020;11 (5): doi: 10.3390/mi11050497
Hyvärinen, T, Hyysalo, A, Kapucu, FE, Aarnos, L, Vinogradov, A, Eglen, SJ et al.. Functional characterization of human pluripotent stem cell-derived cortical networks differentiated on laminin-521 substrate: comparison to rat cortical cultures. Sci Rep. 2019;9 (1):17125. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-53647-8
Ryynänen, T, Pelkonen, A, Grigoras, K, Ylivaara, OME, Hyvärinen, T, Ahopelto, J et al.. Microelectrode Array With Transparent ALD TiN Electrodes. Front Neurosci. 2019;13 :226. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00226
Ristola, M, Sukki, L, Azevedo, MM, Seixas, AI, Relvas, JB, Narkilahti, S, Kallio, P. A compartmentalized neuron-oligodendrocyte co-culture device for myelin research: design, fabrication and functionality testing. J. Micromech. Microeng. 2019;29:065009. doi: 10.1088/1361-6439/ab16a7
Kreutzer, J, Ylä-Outinen, L, Mäki A-J, Ristola, M, Narkilahti, S, Kallio P. Cell culture chamber with gas supply for prolonged recording of human neuronal cells on microelectrode array. Journ Neurosci Methd. 2017;280:27-35. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2017.01.019
IPR Status - Patent application filed
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